Scale your machine studying workloads on Amazon ECS powered by AWS Trainium cases

Working machine studying (ML) workloads with containers is turning into a typical observe. Containers can totally encapsulate not simply your coaching code, however the whole dependency stack right down to the {hardware} libraries and drivers. What you get is an ML growth surroundings that’s constant and moveable. With containers, scaling on a cluster turns into a lot simpler.

In late 2022, AWS introduced the overall availability of Amazon EC2 Trn1 instances powered by AWS Trainium accelerators, that are goal constructed for high-performance deep studying coaching. Trn1 cases ship as much as 50% financial savings on coaching prices over different comparable Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) cases. Additionally, the AWS Neuron SDK was launched to enhance this acceleration, giving builders instruments to work together with this expertise reminiscent of to compile, runtime, and profile to realize high-performance and cost-effective mannequin trainings.

Amazon Elastic Container Service (Amazon ECS) is a completely managed container orchestration service that simplifies your deployment, administration, and scaling of containerized purposes. Merely describe your utility and the assets required, and Amazon ECS will launch, monitor, and scale your utility throughout versatile compute choices with computerized integrations to different supporting AWS providers that your utility wants.

On this put up, we present you how one can run your ML coaching jobs in a container utilizing Amazon ECS to deploy, handle, and scale your ML workload.

Resolution overview

We stroll you thru the next high-level steps:

  1. Provision an ECS cluster of Trn1 cases with AWS CloudFormation.
  2. Construct a customized container picture with the Neuron SDK and push it to Amazon Elastic Container Registry (Amazon ECR).
  3. Create a activity definition to outline an ML coaching job to be run by Amazon ECS.
  4. Run the ML activity on Amazon ECS.


To observe alongside, familiarity with core AWS providers reminiscent of Amazon EC2 and Amazon ECS is implied.

Provision an ECS cluster of Trn1 cases

To get began, launch the offered CloudFormation template, which is able to provision required assets reminiscent of a VPC, ECS cluster, and EC2 Trainium occasion.

We use the Neuron SDK to run deep studying workloads on AWS Inferentia and Trainium-based cases. It helps you in your end-to-end ML growth lifecycle to create new fashions, optimize them, then deploy them for manufacturing. To coach your mannequin with Trainium, you should set up the Neuron SDK on the EC2 cases the place the ECS duties will run to map the NeuronDevice related to the {hardware}, in addition to the Docker picture that shall be pushed to Amazon ECR to entry the instructions to coach your mannequin.

Commonplace variations of Amazon Linux 2 or Ubuntu 20 don’t include AWS Neuron drivers put in. Due to this fact, now we have two totally different choices.

The primary possibility is to make use of a Deep Studying Amazon Machine Picture (DLAMI) that has the Neuron SDK already put in. A pattern is offered on the GitHub repo. You may select a DLAMI primarily based on the opereating system. Then run the next command to get the AMI ID:

aws ec2 describe-images --region us-east-1 --owners amazon --filters 'Identify=title,Values=Deep Studying AMI Neuron PyTorch 1.13.? (Amazon Linux 2) ????????' 'Identify=state,Values=accessible' --query 'reverse(sort_by(Photographs, &CreationDate))[:1].ImageId' --output textual content

The output shall be as follows:


This AMI ID can change over time, so be sure that to make use of the command to get the proper AMI ID.

Now you possibly can change this AMI ID within the CloudFormation script and use the ready-to-use Neuron SDK. To do that, search for EcsAmiId in Parameters:

"EcsAmiId": { 
    "Kind": "String", 
    "Description": "AMI ID", 
    "Default": "ami-09def9404c46ac27c" 

The second possibility is to create an occasion filling the userdata area throughout stack creation. You don’t want to put in it as a result of CloudFormation will set this up. For extra data, check with the Neuron Setup Guide.

For this put up, we use possibility 2, in case you should use a customized picture. Full the next steps:

  1. Launch the offered CloudFormation template.
  2. For KeyName, enter a reputation of your required key pair, and it’ll preload the parameters. For this put up, we use trainium-key.
  3. Enter a reputation on your stack.
  4. For those who’re working within the us-east-1 Area, you possibly can preserve the values for ALBName and AZIds at their default.

To verify what Availability Zone within the Area has Trn1 accessible, run the next command:

aws ec2 describe-instance-type-offerings --region us-east1 --location-type availability-zone --filter Identify=instance-type,Values=trn1.2xlarge

  1. Select Subsequent and end creating the stack.

When the stack is full, you possibly can transfer to the subsequent step.

Put together and push an ECR picture with the Neuron SDK

Amazon ECR is a completely managed container registry providing high-performance internet hosting, so you possibly can reliably deploy utility photos and artifacts wherever. We use Amazon ECR to retailer a customized Docker picture containing our scripts and Neuron packages wanted to coach a mannequin with ECS jobs working on Trn1 cases. You may create an ECR repository utilizing the AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI) or AWS Management Console. For this put up, we use the console. Full the next steps:

  1. On the Amazon ECR console, create a brand new repository.
  2. For Visibility settings¸ choose Non-public.
  3. For Repository title, enter a reputation.
  4. Select Create repository.

Now that you’ve a repository, let’s construct and push a picture, which might be constructed domestically (into your laptop computer) or in a AWS Cloud9 surroundings. We’re coaching a multi-layer perceptron (MLP) mannequin. For the unique code, check with Multi-Layer Perceptron Training Tutorial.

  1. Copy the and information right into a undertaking.

It’s already suitable with Neuron, so that you don’t want to alter any code.

  1. 5. Create a Dockerfile that has the instructions to put in the Neuron SDK and coaching scripts:
FROM amazonlinux:2

RUN echo $'[neuron] n
title=Neuron YUM Repository n
baseurl= n
enabled=1' > /and so on/yum.repos.d/neuron.repo

RUN rpm --import

RUN yum set up aws-neuronx-collectives-2.* -y
RUN yum set up aws-neuronx-runtime-lib-2.* -y
RUN yum set up aws-neuronx-tools-2.* -y
RUN yum set up -y tar gzip pip
RUN yum set up -y python3 python3-pip
RUN yum set up -y python3.7-venv gcc-c++
RUN python3.7 -m venv aws_neuron_venv_pytorch

# Activate Python venv
ENV PATH="/aws_neuron_venv_pytorch/bin:$PATH"
RUN python -m pip set up -U pip
RUN python -m pip set up wget
RUN python -m pip set up awscli

RUN python -m pip config set world.extra-index-url
RUN python -m pip set up torchvision tqdm torch-neuronx neuronx-cc==2.* pillow
RUN mkdir -p /choose/ml/mnist_mlp
COPY /choose/ml/mnist_mlp/
COPY /choose/ml/mnist_mlp/
RUN chmod +x /choose/ml/mnist_mlp/
CMD ["python3", "/opt/ml/mnist_mlp/"]

To create your personal Dockerfile utilizing Neuron, check with Develop on AWS ML accelerator instance, the place yow will discover guides for different OS and ML frameworks.

  1. 6. Construct a picture after which push it to Amazon ECR utilizing the next code (present your Area, account ID, and ECR repository):
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin {your-account-id}.dkr.ecr.{your-region}

docker construct -t mlp_trainium .

docker tag mlp_trainium:newest {your-account-id}

docker push {your-account-id}.dkr.ecr.{your-region}{your-ecr-repo-name}:newest

After this, your picture model needs to be seen within the ECR repository that you just created.

Run the ML coaching job as an ECS activity

To run the ML coaching activity on Amazon ECS, you first have to create a task definition. A activity definition is required to run Docker containers in Amazon ECS.

  1. On the Amazon ECS console, select Activity definitions within the navigation pane.
  2. On the Create new activity definition menu, select Create new activity definition with JSON.

You should use the next task definition template as a baseline. Word that within the picture area, you should utilize the one generated within the earlier step. Be sure it contains your account ID and ECR repository title.

To ensure that Neuron is put in, you possibly can verify if the quantity /dev/neuron0 is mapped within the gadgets block. This maps to a single NeuronDevice working on the trn1.2xlarge occasion with two cores.

  1. Create your activity definition utilizing the next template:
    "household": "mlp_trainium",
    "containerDefinitions": [
            "name": "mlp_trainium",
            "image": "{your-account-id}{your-ecr-repo-name}",
            "cpu": 0,
            "memoryReservation": 1000,
            "portMappings": [],
            "important": true,
            "surroundings": [],
            "mountPoints": [],
            "volumesFrom": [],
            "linuxParameters": {
                "capabilities": {
                    "add": [
                "gadgets": [
                        "hostPath": "/dev/neuron0",
                        "containerPath": "/dev/neuron0",
                        "permissions": [
            "logConfiguration": {
                "logDriver": "awslogs",
                "choices": {
                    "awslogs-create-group": "true",
                    "awslogs-group": "/ecs/task-logs",
                    "awslogs-region": "us-east-1",
                    "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs"
    "networkMode": "awsvpc",
    "placementConstraints": [
            "type": "memberOf",
            "expression": "attribute:ecs.os-type == linux"
            "type": "memberOf",
            "expression": "attribute:ecs.instance-type == trn1.2xlarge"
    "requiresCompatibilities": [
    "cpu": "1024",
    "reminiscence": "3072"

You may as well full this step on the AWS CLI utilizing the next task definition or with the next command:

aws ecs register-task-definition 
--family mlp-trainium 
--container-definitions '[{    
    "name": "my-container-1",    
    "image": "{your-account-id}{your-ecr-repo-name}",
    "cpu": 0,
    "memoryReservation": 1000,
    "portMappings": [],
    "important": true,
    "surroundings": [],
    "mountPoints": [],
    "volumesFrom": [],
    "logConfiguration": {
        "logDriver": "awslogs",
        "choices": {
            "awslogs-create-group": "true",
            "awslogs-group": "/ecs/task-logs",
            "awslogs-region": "us-east-1",
            "awslogs-stream-prefix": "ecs"
    "linuxParameters": {
        "capabilities": {
            "add": [
        "gadgets": [{
            "hostPath": "/dev/neuron0",
            "containerPath": "/dev/neuron0",
            "permissions": ["read", "write"]
--requires-compatibilities EC2
--cpu "8192" 
--memory "16384" 
--placement-constraints '[{
    "type": "memberOf",
    "expression": "attribute:ecs.instance-type == trn1.2xlarge"
}, {
    "type": "memberOf",
    "expression": "attribute:ecs.os-type == linux"

Run the duty on Amazon ECS

After now we have created the ECS cluster, pushed the picture to Amazon ECR, and created the duty definition, we run the duty definition to coach a mannequin on Amazon ECS.

  1. On the Amazon ECS console, select Clusters within the navigation pane.
  2. Open your cluster.
  3. On the Duties tab, select Run new activity.

  1. For Launch kind, select EC2.

  1. For Software kind, choose Activity.
  2. For Household, select the duty definition you created.

  1. Within the Networking part, specify the VPC created by the CloudFormation stack, subnet, and safety group.

  1. Select Create.

You may monitor your activity on the Amazon ECS console.

You may as well run the duty utilizing the AWS CLI:

aws ecs run-task --cluster <your-cluster-name> --task-definition <your-task-name> --count 1 --network-configuration '{"awsvpcConfiguration": {"subnets": ["<your-subnet-name> "], "securityGroups": ["<your-sg-name> "] }}'

The end result will appear to be the next screenshot.

You may as well verify the main points of the coaching job by the Amazon CloudWatch log group.

After you practice your fashions, you possibly can retailer them in Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3).

Clear up

To keep away from further bills, you possibly can change the Auto Scaling group to Minimal capability and Desired capability to zero, to close down the Trainium cases. To do a whole cleanup, delete the CloudFormation stack to take away all assets created by this template.


On this put up, we confirmed how one can use Amazon ECS to deploy your ML coaching jobs. We created a CloudFormation template to create the ECS cluster of Trn1 cases, constructed a customized Docker picture, pushed it to Amazon ECR, and ran the ML coaching job on the ECS cluster utilizing a Trainium occasion.

For extra details about Neuron and what you are able to do with Trainium, take a look at the next assets:

In regards to the Authors

Guilherme Ricci is a Senior Startup Options Architect on Amazon Internet Providers, serving to startups modernize and optimize the prices of their purposes. With over 10 years of expertise with corporations within the monetary sector, he’s at present working with a workforce of AI/ML specialists.

Evandro Franco is an AI/ML Specialist Options Architect engaged on Amazon Internet Providers. He helps AWS prospects overcome enterprise challenges associated to AI/ML on prime of AWS. He has greater than 15 years working with expertise, from software program growth, infrastructure, serverless, to machine studying.

Matthew McClean leads the Annapurna ML Resolution Structure workforce that helps prospects undertake AWS Trainium and AWS Inferentia merchandise. He’s enthusiastic about generative AI and has been serving to prospects undertake AWS applied sciences for the final 10 years.

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