Information pre-processing: What you do to the info earlier than feeding it to the mannequin.
— A easy definition that, in apply, leaves open many questions. The place, precisely, ought to pre-processing cease, and the mannequin start? Are steps like normalization, or numerous numerical transforms, a part of the mannequin, or the pre-processing? What about knowledge augmentation? In sum, the road between what’s pre-processing and what’s modeling has at all times, on the edges, felt considerably fluid.

On this scenario, the appearance of keras pre-processing layers adjustments a long-familiar image.

In concrete phrases, with keras, two alternate options tended to prevail: one, to do issues upfront, in R; and two, to assemble a tfdatasets pipeline. The previous utilized each time we would have liked the entire knowledge to extract some abstract data. For instance, when normalizing to a imply of zero and a normal deviation of 1. However typically, this meant that we needed to remodel back-and-forth between normalized and un-normalized variations at a number of factors within the workflow. The tfdatasets method, then again, was elegant; nevertheless, it may require one to write down a whole lot of low-level tensorflow code.

Pre-processing layers, obtainable as of keras model 2.6.1, take away the necessity for upfront R operations, and combine properly with tfdatasets. However that’s not all there may be to them. On this put up, we need to spotlight 4 important features:

  1. Pre-processing layers considerably scale back coding effort. You may code these operations your self; however not having to take action saves time, favors modular code, and helps to keep away from errors.
  2. Pre-processing layers – a subset of them, to be exact – can produce abstract data earlier than coaching correct, and make use of a saved state when referred to as upon later.
  3. Pre-processing layers can pace up coaching.
  4. Pre-processing layers are, or could be made, a part of the mannequin, thus eradicating the necessity to implement impartial pre-processing procedures within the deployment atmosphere.

Following a brief introduction, we’ll broaden on every of these factors. We conclude with two end-to-end examples (involving images and text, respectively) that properly illustrate these 4 features.

Pre-processing layers in a nutshell

Like different keras layers, those we’re speaking about right here all begin with layer_, and could also be instantiated independently of mannequin and knowledge pipeline. Right here, we create a layer that can randomly rotate photos whereas coaching, by as much as 45 levels in each instructions:

aug_layer <- layer_random_rotation(issue = 0.125)

As soon as we now have such a layer, we are able to instantly take a look at it on some dummy picture.

[[1. 0. 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 1. 0. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 1. 0. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. 1. 0.]
 [0. 0. 0. 0. 1.]], form=(5, 5), dtype=float32)

“Testing the layer” now actually means calling it like a perform:

[[0.         0.         0.         0.         0.        ]
 [0.44459596 0.32453176 0.05410459 0.         0.        ]
 [0.15844001 0.4371609  1.         0.4371609  0.15844001]
 [0.         0.         0.05410453 0.3245318  0.44459593]
 [0.         0.         0.         0.         0.        ]], form=(5, 5), dtype=float32)

As soon as instantiated, a layer can be utilized in two methods. Firstly, as a part of the enter pipeline.

In pseudocode:

# pseudocode
train_ds <- ... # outline dataset
preprocessing_layer <- ... # instantiate layer

train_ds <- train_ds %>%
  dataset_map(perform(x, y) list(preprocessing_layer(x), y))

Secondly, the best way that appears most pure, for a layer: as a layer contained in the mannequin. Schematically:

# pseudocode
enter <- layer_input(form = input_shape)

output <- enter %>%
  preprocessing_layer() %>%

mannequin <- keras_model(enter, output)

In reality, the latter appears so apparent that you just is perhaps questioning: Why even permit for a tfdatasets-integrated various? We’ll broaden on that shortly, when speaking about performance.

Stateful layers – who’re particular sufficient to deserve their own section – can be utilized in each methods as properly, however they require an extra step. Extra on that under.

How pre-processing layers make life simpler

Devoted layers exist for a mess of data-transformation duties. We are able to subsume them underneath two broad classes, function engineering and knowledge augmentation.

Function engineering

The necessity for function engineering might come up with all forms of knowledge. With photos, we don’t usually use that time period for the “pedestrian” operations which can be required for a mannequin to course of them: resizing, cropping, and such. Nonetheless, there are assumptions hidden in every of those operations , so we really feel justified in our categorization. Be that as it might, layers on this group embody layer_resizing(), layer_rescaling(), and layer_center_crop().

With textual content, the one performance we couldn’t do with out is vectorization. layer_text_vectorization() takes care of this for us. We’ll encounter this layer within the subsequent part, in addition to within the second full-code example.

Now, on to what’s usually seen as the area of function engineering: numerical and categorical (we would say: “spreadsheet”) knowledge.

First, numerical knowledge typically must be normalized for neural networks to carry out properly – to realize this, use layer_normalization(). Or possibly there’s a cause we’d prefer to put steady values into discrete classes. That’d be a activity for layer_discretization().

Second, categorical knowledge are available numerous codecs (strings, integers …), and there’s at all times one thing that must be completed in an effort to course of them in a significant method. Usually, you’ll need to embed them right into a higher-dimensional house, utilizing layer_embedding(). Now, embedding layers count on their inputs to be integers; to be exact: consecutive integers. Right here, the layers to search for are layer_integer_lookup() and layer_string_lookup(): They are going to convert random integers (strings, respectively) to consecutive integer values. In a unique situation, there is perhaps too many classes to permit for helpful data extraction. In such circumstances, use layer_hashing() to bin the info. And at last, there’s layer_category_encoding() to provide the classical one-hot or multi-hot representations.

Information augmentation

Within the second class, we discover layers that execute [configurable] random operations on photos. To call only a few of them: layer_random_crop(), layer_random_translation(), layer_random_rotation() … These are handy not simply in that they implement the required low-level performance; when built-in right into a mannequin, they’re additionally workflow-aware: Any random operations will probably be executed throughout coaching solely.

Now we now have an concept what these layers do for us, let’s give attention to the particular case of state-preserving layers.

Pre-processing layers that maintain state

A layer that randomly perturbs photos doesn’t have to know something concerning the knowledge. It simply must observe a rule: With chance (p), do (x). A layer that’s presupposed to vectorize textual content, then again, must have a lookup desk, matching character strings to integers. The identical goes for a layer that maps contingent integers to an ordered set. And in each circumstances, the lookup desk must be constructed upfront.

With stateful layers, this information-buildup is triggered by calling adapt() on a freshly-created layer occasion. For instance, right here we instantiate and “situation” a layer that maps strings to consecutive integers:

colours <- c("cyan", "turquoise", "celeste");

layer <- layer_string_lookup()
layer %>% adapt(colours)

We are able to verify what’s within the lookup desk:

[1] "[UNK]"     "turquoise" "cyan"      "celeste"  

Then, calling the layer will encode the arguments:

layer(c("azure", "cyan"))
tf.Tensor([0 2], form=(2,), dtype=int64)

layer_string_lookup() works on particular person character strings, and consequently, is the transformation satisfactory for string-valued categorical options. To encode entire sentences (or paragraphs, or any chunks of textual content) you’d use layer_text_vectorization() as an alternative. We’ll see how that works in our second end-to-end example.

Utilizing pre-processing layers for efficiency

Above, we stated that pre-processing layers may very well be utilized in two methods: as a part of the mannequin, or as a part of the info enter pipeline. If these are layers, why even permit for the second method?

The primary cause is efficiency. GPUs are nice at common matrix operations, resembling these concerned in picture manipulation and transformations of uniformly-shaped numerical knowledge. Due to this fact, when you have a GPU to coach on, it’s preferable to have picture processing layers, or layers resembling layer_normalization(), be a part of the mannequin (which is run utterly on GPU).

Alternatively, operations involving textual content, resembling layer_text_vectorization(), are greatest executed on the CPU. The identical holds if no GPU is accessible for coaching. In these circumstances, you’d transfer the layers to the enter pipeline, and try to learn from parallel – on-CPU – processing. For instance:

# pseudocode

preprocessing_layer <- ... # instantiate layer

dataset <- dataset %>%
  dataset_map(~list(text_vectorizer(.x), .y),
              num_parallel_calls = tf$knowledge$AUTOTUNE) %>%
mannequin %>% match(dataset)

Accordingly, within the end-to-end examples under, you’ll see picture knowledge augmentation occurring as a part of the mannequin, and textual content vectorization, as a part of the enter pipeline.

Exporting a mannequin, full with pre-processing

Say that for coaching your mannequin, you discovered that the tfdatasets method was the very best. Now, you deploy it to a server that doesn’t have R put in. It could seem to be that both, it’s important to implement pre-processing in another, obtainable, expertise. Alternatively, you’d must depend on customers sending already-pre-processed knowledge.

Fortuitously, there’s something else you are able to do. Create a brand new mannequin particularly for inference, like so:

# pseudocode

enter <- layer_input(form = input_shape)

output <- enter %>%
  preprocessing_layer(enter) %>%

inference_model <- keras_model(enter, output)

This method makes use of the functional API to create a brand new mannequin that prepends the pre-processing layer to the pre-processing-less, authentic mannequin.

Having centered on a couple of issues particularly “good to know”, we now conclude with the promised examples.

Instance 1: Picture knowledge augmentation

Our first instance demonstrates picture knowledge augmentation. Three forms of transformations are grouped collectively, making them stand out clearly within the total mannequin definition. This group of layers will probably be energetic throughout coaching solely.


# Load CIFAR-10 knowledge that include keras
c(c(x_train, y_train), ...) %<-% dataset_cifar10()
input_shape <- dim(x_train)[-1] # drop batch dim
courses <- 10

# Create a tf_dataset pipeline 
train_dataset <- tensor_slices_dataset(list(x_train, y_train)) %>%

# Use a (non-trained) ResNet structure
resnet <- application_resnet50(weights = NULL,
                               input_shape = input_shape,
                               courses = courses)

# Create a knowledge augmentation stage with horizontal flipping, rotations, zooms
data_augmentation <-
  keras_model_sequential() %>%
  layer_random_flip("horizontal") %>%
  layer_random_rotation(0.1) %>%

enter <- layer_input(form = input_shape)

# Outline and run the mannequin
output <- enter %>%
  layer_rescaling(1 / 255) %>%   # rescale inputs
  data_augmentation() %>%

mannequin <- keras_model(enter, output) %>%
  compile(optimizer = "rmsprop", loss = "sparse_categorical_crossentropy") %>%
  match(train_dataset, steps_per_epoch = 5)

Instance 2: Textual content vectorization

In pure language processing, we frequently use embedding layers to current the “workhorse” (recurrent, convolutional, self-attentional, what have you ever) layers with the continual, optimally-dimensioned enter they want. Embedding layers count on tokens to be encoded as integers, and remodel textual content to integers is what layer_text_vectorization() does.

Our second instance demonstrates the workflow: You’ve gotten the layer study the vocabulary upfront, then name it as a part of the pre-processing pipeline. As soon as coaching has completed, we create an “all-inclusive” mannequin for deployment.


# Instance knowledge
textual content <- as_tensor(c(
  "From every in keeping with his skill, to every in keeping with his wants!",
  "Act that you just use humanity, whether or not in your individual individual or within the individual of some other, at all times concurrently an finish, by no means merely as a method.",
  "Purpose is, and ought solely to be the slave of the passions, and may by no means faux to some other workplace than to serve and obey them."

# Create and adapt layer
text_vectorizer <- layer_text_vectorization(output_mode="int")
text_vectorizer %>% adapt(textual content)

# Examine
as.array(text_vectorizer("To every in keeping with his wants"))

# Create a easy classification mannequin
enter <- layer_input(form(NULL), dtype="int64")

output <- enter %>%
  layer_embedding(input_dim = text_vectorizer$vocabulary_size(),
                  output_dim = 16) %>%
  layer_gru(8) %>%
  layer_dense(1, activation = "sigmoid")

mannequin <- keras_model(enter, output)

# Create a labeled dataset (which incorporates unknown tokens)
train_dataset <- tensor_slices_dataset(list(
    c("From every in keeping with his skill", "There may be nothing greater than cause."),
    c(1L, 0L)

# Preprocess the string inputs
train_dataset <- train_dataset %>%
  dataset_batch(2) %>%
  dataset_map(~list(text_vectorizer(.x), .y),
              num_parallel_calls = tf$knowledge$AUTOTUNE)

# Practice the mannequin
mannequin %>%
  compile(optimizer = "adam", loss = "binary_crossentropy") %>%

# export inference mannequin that accepts strings as enter
enter <- layer_input(form = 1, dtype="string")
output <- enter %>%
  text_vectorizer() %>%

end_to_end_model <- keras_model(enter, output)

# Take a look at inference mannequin
test_data <- as_tensor(c(
  "To every in keeping with his wants!",
  "Purpose is, and ought solely to be the slave of the passions."
test_output <- end_to_end_model(test_data)


With this put up, our aim was to name consideration to keras’ new pre-processing layers, and present how – and why – they’re helpful. Many extra use circumstances could be discovered within the vignette.

Thanks for studying!

Picture by Henning Borgersen on Unsplash

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